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Hey babe!


Thank you for being here, it’s so great to meet you.  I’m Lorien Rochelle and I’ve always been a Rebel determined to defy the norm, the expected and really any box designed to restrict me...and I mean anything! Just ask my Mom :) 

As a holistic lifestyle coach, yogi and owner and chief rebel officer of rebel sol I am devoted to creating a space that empowers ambitious souls to heal, transform & live optimally as the best version of themselves: Mind, Body and Sol. 


As a lifelong dancer, yoga was always a complementary movement, but when I was faced with navigating my own health challenges, yoga helped me transform physically and mentally and I wanted to help other women do the same. Once I completed my RYT200 and had the pleasure of teaching across the country, I immediately shifted my focus to completing my certifications in holistic coaching and wellness and am Nutritious Life Certified, AADP Board Certified and am currently pursuing my Master Certification with Nutritious Life Studio. 


With an insatiable curiosity and passion to understand all elements of wellness and transformation, my mission is to demystify what is required to live optimally by tapping into ancient wisdom that activates our innate healing ability with easy, totally doable shifts that have huge impacts. 


I founded Rebel Sol Wellness and Sol Alchemy, a practice and lifestyle community that champions a whole-person approach to optimizing wellness grounded in the 4 pillars of movement, mindset, movement, meditation and music that will have a positive impact sleep, stress, relationships, and so much more! 


Whether it's teaching a movement class or connecting personally or on IG at @thelorienrochelle or through a speaking engagement, I love building community and seeing people win and I can't wait for you to join me. Curious about working with me? Click the link here 


Now let’s get it!

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