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I am already actively attracting what's mine…now I claim it as my truth.

Updated: Jan 10, 2023

rebel sol wellness program

Affirmation of the week: I am already actively attracting what's mine…now I claim it as my truth.

New – Journal prompt of the week: If my morning routine was better, I would…

We are in full Spring swing over here at Rebel Sol, can you feel it? Although we hit a bit of a chilly spell here in the south, this weekend I feel like we are finally turning in the right direction and that makes me want to throw on some Jilly from Philly and ride with my sunroof open, sun hitting my face.

It brings back such amazing memories from when I first saw her live years ago at Black Lily, back in NY and if you weren't there during that time it was literally magic in a bottle as they say, never to be repeated. I share that link so you can hear Floetry talk a bit about it…just know ya girl was always in the spot. LOL!

While we're talking spring flings, let's also get into adjusting to these longer days and shorter nights, that might leave us on the struggle bus in the mornings! To help us win/win back our morning swag, I've put together a list of underrated rituals that can help us out:

Switch up your wake up: Now that most of us are WFH and companies are trying to look out for our wellbeing with some flexibility in work hours, can you give your body that extra sleep you desire? Since we've eliminated our longer morning commute, grabbing that extra bit of shut eye isn't just satisfying, it can also help us naturally align to our individual circadian rhythm…controlled by a part of the brain (suprachiasmatic nucleus) that works like an internal timekeeper. When we are able to honor and live by our own clock, studies have shown we are more well rested, alert, productive and happier. Even if it's just 30 additional minutes, it can make all the difference in our overall wellbeing.

Just gimme the light: And not from the phone! For many of us the first thing we do is grab our trusty device, check messages and social media to see what we missed while sleeping. However, sleep medicine specialists actually recommend getting into actual sunlight as soon as possible upon waking. Exposure to daylight also helps with regulating our sleep cycles since being outside activates our biological systems to understand that it's time to be alert and supports those behaviors like eating your first meal, grabbing a cup of coffee and signals our hormones (heyyy cortisol) that it's time to give us that surge of energy we need. A great morning ritual might be grabbing your coffee, sitting outside or in direct sunlight and journaling using the handy journal prompt above ^^ (yup, that was a shameless plug) LOL!

Shake a lil something: Yes, sleep is absolutely divine, but can sometimes can be a pain! You know like when you wake up with a numb hand because you slept on it or generally when you first rise and you feel a bit stiff? Generally, that's because our sleep positions, as comfy as they are, often limit blood flow, causing tightness in our joints and muscles. So before you jump out of bed all superhero style and jump into your workout or whatever, take a few moments for some gentle stretching, allowing your body to gently adjust to being awake and the blood returning to flow. I do a few very easy ones before I even leave the bed…stay tuned for some photos on IG later this week where I'll share ;)

Eat like an adult: I said what I said…drop the sugary zeroes and get with the protein rich heroes! Eating foods like granola bars, muffins, sweet yogurts and cereals literally lead down a path of hanger and energy crashes and not very long after eating them. Opt instead for a breakfast with adequate protein and healthy fats that not only satiate longer but also provide a sustained source of energy. For example, if your morning schedule allows, take time to whip up 2 eggs, with a little spinach and some turkey bacon and you will be a much happier camper than with that muffin! If you're side-eyeing me about cooking in the morning, then opt out of fruit in your morning smoothie and exchange it for veggies like kale, spinach or celery…you can also throw some berries in that and it's .

Ok my babes, let me know if you give any of these tips a shot and how it went for you…hit me at button below because I would really love to hear from you.

As always, thank you for riding with me…you all are part of my greatest manifestation in this life.

Sending you big love!

P.S. Keep an eye out for a little something special landing in your mailbox later this week!

I hope you're loving my content and that the tips I'm sharing have been helpful. If you think any of your girls would love being part of our fam please share and let them know!

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